Nullamlacus dui ipsum

Nullamlacus dui ipsum conseque loborttis non euisque morbi penas dapibulum orna. Urnaultrices quis curabitur phasellentesque congue magnis vestibulum quismodo nulla et feugiat. Adipisciniapellentum leo ut consequam ris felit elit id nibh sociis malesuada.

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Admitted to the Bar in 1988

Saroj is actively involved in litigation practice before the High Court of Andhra  Pradesh, City  Civil  Courts,  State  Commission,  Sales  Tax Appellate Tribunal, Customs Excise Service Tax Authorities, Urban Land Ceiling Authority, Labour Courts, District Consumer Dispute Redressal Fora and the Industrial Disputes Tribunal. Saroj has vast experience of working with Counsels and dealing with clients.

Her experience includes civil, company and service matters with focus on  winding  up  litigation,  merger  &  de-merger  of  companies,  tax legislations, banking law and industrial matters. She has dealt with issues relating to A.P. Land Reforms (Ceiling Agricultural Holdings) Act 1973 and Land Acquisition matters. She has conducted various Domestic Enquiries and arbitration proceedings. Besides involvement in litigation she has been involved with company and labour audits and advising clients on regulatory issues. She was appointed as a Chairperson through the Hon'ble High Court to convene the meetings of the Shareholders in the Scheme of Amalgamation.

Saroj is an alumni of the Osmania University College of Law. She spent her initial years of practice as an associate with the office of Mr. B.K. Seshu, Senior Advocate in the Andhra Pradesh High Court (1988 to 1992).

She thereafter, was Manager-Legal with Steel Authority of India (SAIL) (1992-1995).  With  SAIL  she  was  responsible  for  vetting  of  tender
documentation,  advising  on  tax  matters,  conducting  domestic enquiries,  conciliation  proceedings  before  the  Labour  Court  and Industrial  Tribunal,  Dhanbad  and  instructed  Counsels  in  various matters  before  the  Patna  High  Court.  She  joined  New  Delhi  Law Offices,  Hyderabad  in 1999  and  upon  merger  of  New  Delhi  Law Offices, Hyderabad with Udwadia & Udeshi she moved along with Shireen to be a part of Udwadia Udeshi & Co. in 2005. Later, she became a Partner of Udwadia Udeshi & Co. in 2009.