Nullamlacus dui ipsum

Nullamlacus dui ipsum conseque loborttis non euisque morbi penas dapibulum orna. Urnaultrices quis curabitur phasellentesque congue magnis vestibulum quismodo nulla et feugiat. Adipisciniapellentum leo ut consequam ris felit elit id nibh sociis malesuada.

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Advocate on Record in the Supreme Court of India

Admitted to the Bar in 1981. Was an associate of M/s Khaitan & Co., Solicitors & Advocates from 1981 to 1984. Practiced with New Delhi Law Offices, New Delhi from 1992. Formerly standing counsel for the State of Jammu & Kashmir and standing counsel for the State of Jharkhand. Presently, standing counsel for the State of Jammu & Kashmir in the Supreme Court of India.

Mr. Mathur has extensive experience in litigation in the Supreme Court of India, the High Court of Delhi and various other High Courts, the National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, excise and sales tax work, domestic and international arbitration, corporate commercial work, opinions on direct and indirect taxation, tax related litigations, advise on labour and service related issues, commercial documentation and general advisory practice.